Steve Perry

Steve Perry
Vice President of Real Estate and Facilities

Steve Perry has served in escalating levels of leadership at San Joaquin Valley College (SJVC) since 1985 including Dean of Education and Campus Director, culminating in his latest position with Ember Education as Vice President of Real Estate and Facilities after retiring in 2017.

Steve was the lead person determining property site locations, purchase/lease negotiations, building design, space allocation plans, selection of architects and Gen. Contractors including supervision and deadlines.

He managed all properties including their upkeep and upgrade needs, designing/drafting construction plans, provided construction project management of new and existing properties and budgeting for ongoing and new projects with adherence to building code requirements. He is a Licensed Commercial Real Estate Broker.

As a member of his local church, Steve serves as Eucharistic Minister and Lector. He has been chairman of the finance council and chairman of the building committee where he provided construction oversight in the building of the largest parish church in North America. His community involvement also includes serving as a Rotarian for more than 20 years and later becoming a member of the Rotary Foundation.

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